Friday, May 5, 2006

Never be the same

You used to say
we’d always be together,
and my life would never be the same
with you around me.

You love me, you said.
I closed my eyes.
"I have loved you for so long.
Everything would never be the same."

Then those fragile promises
started to get broken.
Bit by bit, you left me
alone and hopeless.

The sky darkened.
Rain washed over my tear stained face.
I shivered from the bitter cold.
"Why’d you have to leave me?"

I felt like dying.
Every bit of me was crushed.
Those promises turned to pain
that can never be washed by rain.

I’ll always be haunted
by the 'you' I once loved,
the 'you' who promised to be with me
yet made everything around me collide.

I tried to make good memories without you,
but yesterday was different.
(You were with me.)
"It would never be the same again…

...Why did you leave me?"

~anamellie, 050506